Category: Western and Central Europe
User Image1970122421 month ago
Interrail Pass to Kiruna
Category: Interrail and Eurail
User ImageEuricoteles41591 month ago
Night-train Hamburg Stockholm
Category: Scandinavia
User ImageHikerbiker31191 month ago
trains from Kraków to Delta Danube
Category: Eastern Europe and the Caucasus
User ImageMarcuss11231 month ago
Travelling from Narvik (Norway) to Kiruna (Sweden) on Monday 10/06/2024
Category: Scandinavia
User Imagedanyapungku71841 month ago
hull a liverpool
Category: Interrail and Eurail
User ImageViaje20241801 month ago
Getting out of Sofia
Category: Eastern Europe and the Caucasus
User ImageTosin41251 month ago
Portugal public transport
Category: Southern Europe
User ImageSabeth142581 month ago
Seat reservations on ALX train
Category: Western and Central Europe
User ImageMarkk21411 month ago
Budapest Kaleti to Halkali (Istanbul)
Category: Southern Europe
User ImageYogi41701 month ago
Change ticket
Category: Western and Central Europe
User ImageStalapopi21171 month ago
Confused / First time using Interrail Global Pass
Category: Interrail and Eurail
User Imagestumpy31671 month ago
Compulsory cross border reservations with DB this summer (advisors to note!)
Category: Western and Central Europe
User ImageMisterSteve51731 month ago
Train route
Category: Interrail and Eurail
User ImageJoHannAAA11421 month ago
long trip around the baltic sea
Category: Interrail and Eurail
User Imagemicheljaimez81661 month ago
Trains from Lille to Terneuzen NL
Category: Interrail and Eurail
User ImageCristineS42181 month ago
Category: Interrail and Eurail
User ImageLassearvidsson31441 month ago
Travel from Frankfurt airport to Heidelberg
Category: Interrail and Eurail
User ImageRhe3781971 month ago
need book the train?
Category: Interrail and Eurail
User Imagemauro19562961 month ago
Tipps wie ich von Barcelona nach Lloret de Mar möglichst kostengünstig komme?
Category: Interrail and Eurail
User ImageLukas2941 month ago