

Posted 18 years ago

Just wondering if anyone has any experiences about travelling in Morocco. how are the trains and mainly is it far from the ferry in melila to marrakech. my usual journey planner doesn't work in africa

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replied 18 years ago

Trains in Morocco are OK, and reliable!
But you'll have to pay a supplement for each train, because every train is now declared as a train rapide.

Look for the timetable on [ux][/ux] because there are only a few trains running every day.
From Melilla you take the Bus to Oujda or walk over the border and take the bus or the shared taxi to Nador and from there to Taourit.
From Oujda or Taourit the train ride to Marrakesh is about 13 hours (eventually change at Sidi Kacem, Rabat or Casablanca), so it's quite a long way.
It's much faster to take the ferry from Algeciras (Spain) to Tanger (Morocco). From there you don't need to take a bus or shared taxi (just a really cheap taxi to the station if you like) and it's about 9 hours to Marrakesh by train (eventually change at Sidi Kacem).

I hope I could help you!