

Posted 16 years ago

Hello :)

Does anybody know what's the best way to go from Dubrovnik (Croatia) to Montenegro?
And by the way...did anybody visit Montenegro so far? What do we need to see, except for Podgorica??

Thanks :)

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replied 16 years ago


I just visited Montenegro and i have to say its AWESOME.

I took the train from Belgrade to Bar. I didnt visit Podgorica, but the train ride itself was magnificent! I would definitely recommend doing it by daylight, i think i snapped a few hundred photos. The mountains, lakes, rivers, woods, etc etc are amazing !!

In Bar, you can stay at a villa (your own room) for 15 euro. Watch out for taxi scams though, the hag that drove me wanted to charge me 15 euro for the approximate 2 km ride. I gave her 2 euros (which i know is more than the normal fare) and a finger.

Try to find one who speaks english and agree on a price before you enter the taxi. Or walk... if you have a map.

The beach is dirty but beautiful. Throwing trash out on the street is common in Montenegro (actually all of former Yugoslavia). Ive seen people throw out their trash from the train windows several times. Shame to pollute such a beautiful country. But back to the beach, it has palm trees and all, and the weather was fking awesome while i was there, imagine what its like in july...

From Bar i took a bus to Kotor, theres the only fjord in eastern Europe. Its amazing, google it. You can go up some castlelike way to the top of a mountain and i sat there and watched the sun set. b-e-a-utiful. The bus from Bar to Kotor was about 4 euros i think and took about 3 or 4 hours

Inbetween theres a town called Budva. Its more touristic, and said to be great, but i didnt visit it. Maybe when i go back in July...

From Kotor i took a bus to Dubrovnik. The bus goes through Hercig Novi (hoep thats spelled right) which is also awesome. Its where the fjord enters the adriatic sea. Be sure to sit on the sea side of the bus!!! (kotor to dubrovnik left side - goes for the bus from bar to kotor as well). The bus was a little more expensive but infinitely more comfortable than the other one. It was about 12 euros and also took around 3 to 4 hours.

So thats all the tips i can provide for montenegro. Really, its a beautiful country. Kinda corrupt, but beautiful.

Hope its not too late, and have a great time by the adriatic coast. I did.

Greetings from Stockholm,
