Posted 17 years ago
We're going interrailling in July and live in Derby, England. We all want to start our tour in Paris, but we can't decide which is th best option in terms of getting there. The first option is getting a plane from east midlands airport straight to Charles de Gaulle. This on the face of it is the best option as it is quick and cheap. However I really don't want to risk losing our bags from the flight with tent, other equipment etc inside, which will screw up the whole holiday. We have had it suggested that if we do lose bags and get stuff damaged then its nothing we can't replace in Paris, but being students we cant afford to replace stuff like that.
Another option is to get a train from Derby to St Pancras, and then from St Pancras to Paris, then getting a plane home from wherever we are to home at the end of the trip. This will probably be significantly more expensive, which is a major factor for us but obviously all our stuff will get there with us.
If anybody can offer us any suggestions as to what we can do about it and whether anybody has ever had any probs with flying and stuff getting lost, I'd be very grateful for that.
Cheers :D
hey hey ...
avoid the Eurostar from London to Paris. you have to pay a supplement of around 60 EURO one way !!
better to use a plane like you mentioned or use a ferry. for example Dover to Calais for 5 EURO one way. you get for free from the stations to the harbor by bus.
about tent, etc in a plane .... just put your backpack, tent and everything in a big stable sack. and everything is save. you can buy such sacks at adventure/outdoor stores for less than 10 EURO.
have a lot of fun,
I'd recommend flying by a budget airline as the best option but if you are really concerned about losing your stuff and ruining your holiday you can take a bus very cheaply to France and that way you'll have all of your gear with you at all times. I once went from Aberdeen to Amsterdam on the bus for 53 quid return but, at 26 hours each way, I wouldn't advise it. You can probably get to France for about 25 quid from where you are.
Have a great trip.
thankyou both for that, it definitely makes the most sense in terms of cost and time, and I will definitely look into buying a sack as you suggested, as making sure the gear's safe is my top priority so we can enjoy everything to the maximum! And we'll be sure to avoid eurostar from the looks of things!
Thanks :P