

Posted 16 years ago

I'm planning on going interrailing for about 3 months from the end of May. My friend would like to do a round trip of Italy with me for the first 3 weeks then I intend to go to most countries in 3 months, I feel this time is long enough to attempt this! (?)
Because Italy seems to be 'in the middle' I'm not sure what route I need to take. Another friend wants to join me in August to do north-eastern europe, so it would seem logical to finish with Finland and Sweden after that. What I need help with is where to go after Italy, would it be logical to go clockwise or anti-clockwise?

Also, do people recommend planning the route thoughrally or just seeing where the wind takes you? I'm hoping I will meet people along the way that I can join, and I like the idea of not being tied down to a schedule so I am getting a global pass that will allow me to travel as much as I wish.

If anyone can offer any advice that would be great, I'm new to Interrailing and really want to make the most of the trip by seeing as much as I can!

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replied 16 years ago

Have now booked... Am leaving for Geneva in Switzerland with my friend on the 1st June, spending 3 weeks travelling down through Italy, anti-clockwise, then she's leaving me in Venice, north Italy. What do people recommend the route to be after this, to get most countries in (I'm now thinking about missing France and Spain out as they are too West and therefore out of the way...). Want to have a vague idea as I am doing this bit on my own! Still planning on at least 2 months!

Help and advice please :)



replied 16 years ago

So you will have about one and a half month to go to North-Eastern Europe and see your friend there?

If so, there are roughly two possibilities:

Spain, (Portugal), France, (Luxembourg), Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, (Switzerland), Austria, Hungaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, (Baltic States, not interrail, but pretty cheap by bus), Finland (rest with friend: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark).

Of course your friend can also join in Poland or something, this route is quite full though, about 4 days per country, but you can skip some countries like Luxembourg, or just only visit the capital...

The other way around:

Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Serbia, Greece, (Turkey), Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, (Slovakia, Czech Republic), Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, (Luxembourg), The Netherlands, Germany, (1. Poland, Baltic States, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark) or (2. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, (Baltic States, Poland))

In this case your friend can come to Denmark or Poland, nevertheless, the route is even fuller, so you should skip some countries, but it's your own choice, which countries do you want to see?

Good luck on your trip!