

Posted 12 years ago

I`m preparing to leave on my first ever IR-trip. 2 weeks through Scandinavia. :D
Today I packed the backpack, but it is quite heavy, so I would be glad, if you could give me some advice on what I don`t need to carry.

What`s in the bag?

- my tent (as I want to spend all the nights in it)
- my Campinggaz stove (also want to cook most of the time)
- 1 cooking pot, 1 spoon ,1 fork, an army knife
- a small travel pillow
- a bag with toiletries
- a book
- solar charger for mobile and MP3 player, plus those devices
- 2 microfibre travel towels
- 5 pair of socks
- 5 boxers
- 2 shorts
- 2 shirts
- lightweight rain jacket
- 1 pair of flipflops
- sun sreen
- swim shorts

I will wear a long pair of jeans for the first leg of the trip, as I will leave early in the morning, and the weather is cold and rainy. I really hope it will change..

My sleeping bag and the isolation matress will be attached to the backpack somehow..

I think, I`ll need all that stuff, but maybe I`m wrong.

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replied 12 years ago


for me it doesnt look as if you are packing too much. That's about the standard I would take on a trip as well. However I would recommend to pack a sweater as well in case weather gets bad...can happen in Scandinavia.

Do you have a rain coat for your backpack? Make sure it fits even with your sleeping bag and matress attached to your backpack! If it does not, put at least your sleeping bag into the backpack and instead carry the tent with your hand or attached to the backpack.

What about a flashlight?

Flo 8)



replied 12 years ago

Hi, Flow!

Thanks for your advice! I just strapped the tent to the backpack, and put the sleeping bag inside. So the rain cover will fit. For the matress, well, if it starts raining, I will carry it by hand. I also added the sweater and the flashlight, and a pen.. It still is heavy, but this will be my fitness training for the coming weeks ;)