

Posted 12 years ago

Just a notification: as per this week the works into the Marmaray project=a tunnel for trains between Evropa and Asija go one stage further an that means that about all long distance trains to IST cease to run for the time being-untill about late 2013.
For the single remaining overnight from SOFia (with cars also from Bucuresti) this means you will be put into a bus from just over the border to IST. Maybe thats even shorter time as the awfully slow train-but it also means waking up half the night.
On the Asija side, most trains are cut back to some 80-100 kms away from IST and the Asian side station of Haydarpasa is to close for that time. Other faraway trains only start from Ankara.
But WHEN it reopens, the superfast trains will also come into IST and run-some nonstop-to Ankara and Konya.

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