Posted 12 years ago
Hi, i'm planning my summertour and i'm having a bit of a problem: i want to stay in Brussels and then head off to London area for a week but taking the Eurostar is far to expensive so i'd prefer the Calais Dover p&o ferry f.ex. ut i can't find a train going from Brussels to Calais that isn't an Eurostar! does someone know where i could find one? ore help me out? and what does the direct bus cost?
secondly an other question: your not allowed to use the IRticket in our homecountry but can i get in a train in Zurich to Amsterdam which travels through Germany? (friend of mine is German!)
because i saw this video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=enRGTRMkkh0&list=UUuD2MaducJttiPNPWb1H35g&index=10&feature=plcp
he is German and does the same thing just an other route....
1) [b]Zurich - Amsterdam without crossing Germany[/b]:
Use the direct train via Basel, Strasbourg and Luxembourg. It is free of extra reservation fees and NOT crossing Germany. See departure at 1136.
2) Brussels - London: I recommend the ferry via Hoek van Holland - Harwich. You can travel even overnight and it isn' much more expensive (the day ferry) compared to the Calais-Dover (except you can get a free car lift at Calais from nice motorists).
Here are two connections listed with the ferries via Hoek van Holland. The overnight ferry saves you the night in a hostel and it is relaxing. :)
Peter :)