Posted 17 years ago
I'm planning my trip for this summer (one month, global pass, continious) and I want to have kind of a culture-tour.
I definitely want to go to Paris (lots and lots of museums and I just love it sooo much!!), Barcelona (wonderful art nouveau architecture, museums?) and Venice (Berlinale).
I thought about staying in paris for 5(-7) days and maybe Barcelona and Venice also for that long.
Bacelona and Venice are also very interesting to me because I read some wonderful books wich take place in those citys. I want to see the places from the books, discover the citys with the liturature on my mind.
Could anyone recommend other citys/places suitable with my plans?
Do you know great museums, theatres or books I could read before and afterwards discover its scene?
I'd also love to stay in some smaller towns, my emphasis lies on France. I want to stay at least 1-2 days at one place, not just hopping out to visit another museum and then go on to the next city.
But I'm not only into culture, I'd also enjoy great parties ;) (where are the best?) or maybe a place to lean back (secret tip? small village or something?).
I'm very grateful for every suggestion!!
yours, Jana
hiii jana,
ı am traveling europe too.
ı star my tour frnakfurt coz my cousin live there.
firstly ı go amsterdam 25july and stay ther 2 night. after thatdays inorder to ı ll visit brussel-gent-lille-paris(2-3night)-caen-nantes-bordeux-san.sabastian(2night)-madrid-endulisia-valencia-barcelona(3night)-marseille-nice-milano-venice-roma-pisa-naples-athens.
all of intinerary by train
maybe ı ll fınd cheap plane ticket ı ll use it too.
ı like art too but fırstly ı try to learn other country lıfestyles and daily habits
This is the route my best friend and me decided to travel:
Amsterdam --> Paris --> La Rochelle --> Biarritz/San Sebastian --> Madrid --> Barcelona --> Montpellier --> Cannes --> Milano --> Venice
every hint cocerning the culture thing or the cities is welcome!! :P