

Posted 13 years ago

I did this journey back in late June, it's fairly comfortable, but I was right by the carriage entrance, so was a bit noisy, plus there was an orienteering group of about 30 kids in the same carriage...that was awful. Slept well due to travelling from Birmingham to Heathrow the previous night before flying out then going for the train about 6 hours after leaving Domodedovo airport! There's also no announcements of station stops, even for arriving at the destination (or at least not that I heard)

It can be quite well priced too. £40 was the amount I paid (well, my friend paid...) for the tickets! Can be collected at the departure station (Leningradsky, in my case), although I don't think the machines have an English option...!!!

TOP TIP - if you can get someone to book the tickets in Russia for you, it's cheaper, obviously because it won't have the mark up.

Happy travels!

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