Posted 17 years ago
we plan to stay in youth hostels most of the time but we're a pretty unreliable bunch so we'll probabaly call the hostel upon arrival and will have to camp if they're full. as this will hopefully not happen to often and we're mainly traveling southern Europe in summer (Germany-Benelux-France-Spain-Italy..., from June to Juli) I'm looking for a relatively cheap one for 3 people or a cheap one for 2 and another one for one (or 3 for one or whatever). We're all poor so it definitely has to be under a hundred, well actually even under 50 € . around 20 would be perfect :) Some friends of mine got one for that price at Aldi (german supermarket) and were happy with it, I can go shopping in Alabama, US or send my mom to get me one in Germany. Please, Please tell me about your experiences (how about camping grounds in different countries, camping on a random meadow, sleeping outside without a tent...) and all cheap offers you can think of! Thanks a lot!
For a interrail tour of one month during the summer, a tent of 30 EUR bought at the supermarket is not a bad deal. After the tour, you simply throw it away. ;)
If you are looking for such low-cost-tents, I would buy it in a supermarket (and ALDI tents are always good *smile*) :)