

Posted 2 weeks ago

hi, ive been scouring through this forum and found lots of answers to the question of how to get out of greece by means of mass transport. intl trains are still off the table, so ive went to the next option the superfast ferries intl routes. the problem im encountering is with the discount for this route, specifically the patras-venice one.

for context, i was one of the lucky winners of the discovereu interrail global pass. for my trip im thinking of going around the central europe region or scandinavian too (iberia isnt too easy for interrail i understand). so it only makes sense to bypass the balkans since by the time summer comes around i will have visited lots of them as well.

so this is my issue, on the superfast booking site i enter my route and the discount option for interrail global is just 30%

while on the interrail website analysing the discounts for these routes it mentions
Global Pass holders are entitled to:

International Lines:

Free air seats or dormitories (where available*) for 1st class Pass holders
2nd class Pass holders travel free in deck seating. (!!!)

is this simply a case of the interrail site not being up to date with superfasts decisions regarding discounts? or is the mistake on my part?
(im aware of the extra fees for summertime bookings, im good with them as long as i can actually make use of the outbound/inbound journey days of my pass and not letting them go to waste hahaha, want to make the most of my pass even if balkan bus route comes to be cheaper)
if there is no "free" route included in the global pass, is my next option just going to be plane rides (ive only heard of this way from some greeks)? like cyprus malta or ireland who get free planes for out and in bound bc they obviously cant go by rail or sth lmao yeah bc greece can

also this is my first time on a forum ^^ dk if reddit counts
any help is appreciated, really

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replied 2 weeks ago is better equipped for this question (I presume)



replied 2 weeks ago

And further to that: from what I recall having read there some time ago: this discont is ONLY for domestic In GR-the INTERNational lines only give a discount.
Also think again if you really want that long a boattrip: take a shorter ferry at lower price-there will be many more (to Brindisi or perhaps Ancona)and then the train in IT, probably faster too. In fact another ferry may be even cheaper in full price as that SF with discount-but that all varies with season and how long before-that homework you have to do yourself
And yes: this forum is slowly dying and not the best-If any other Qs arise-use that community-big chance your problem is laready solved there-or even a read for some topics may also reveal more useful info



replied 2 weeks ago

thanks for the heads up with the forums, ill sure be heading over there

nltrainer, on the 2nd link from my post above, it precisely states (i copypasted)

Global Pass holders are entitled to:

International Lines:

Free air seats or dormitories (where available*) for 1st class Pass holders
2nd class Pass holders travel free in deck seating. (!!!)

mm also thanks for the tip on the duration of the boat ride, having grown up in greece and taken many night boat rides over the years im confident i wont have any problems on deck. and since i really enjoy my time at sea, i prefer to take the longer route to venice instead of ancona or bari (the 2 other route options) as i would also lose -most of- a journey day from my pass on trains to get to north italy from where i would begin my trip. to close this off, dont know if i was clear, im only taking the intl boat ride if its mostly covered by the pass, if im not entitled to anything more than 30% ill prob just get a plane, much much cheaper less hassle and can start from a city i want to include in my trip lmao.

Thanks for the insight and time you took writing your reply. hope to see you on another forum haha



replied 1 week ago

just an update to whoever stumbles upon this forum, like i did, and has the same questions and problem as i did; the dicovereu team, which i came into contact with from their contact us page, books the ferry tickets for you, for free like is claimed (after you provide them with the dates of your route, make sure to do this up until ~3 months before ur trip) and sends them to you. we're still talking through emails but this should be adequate for anyone wanting to know how to go on, just send the disceu team an email.