Posted 2 months ago
I would like to ask for a safe route by train/bus from Paris to Singapore. Given the war in Russia, the train Paris-Moscow is suspended. Would you have any other recommendations? Thanks so much!
Merry Xmas here from Doha airport-just passing the wait time.
This near same Q has been posted on this forum (that is a kind of antic remnant and for most info long OOD=outofdate) and the clear answer is NO. BY train all the way is simply not possible as various sections do not have any rails at all. You will also need to pass that way countries like Iran-Pakistan-Bangla Desh-Burma (aka Myanmar, my friend hails from there) which are (near) impossible to get into overland. Will also much depend on your unstated nationality. Best site for a fairly utd=uptodate overview: seat61.com.
For really determined people not too much afraid of other unknown countries and having enough of independent travel experience: also check the forum on caravanistan, mostly dealing with the ...stan Countries, former Soviet Rossye. But choosing that way will also lead you via iran-and also near impossible to even get in Turkmenistan.
But daft simple: IF you come from somewhere in the EU: the cost of just the various visa you need to enter all the countries on the way is higher as a plane ticket.