

Posted 3 months ago

Hi there is any able to give me
Some info
On getting the train back from Thailand to London
What was the average cost of the tickets

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replied 3 months ago

There isn't a rail route. If you mix in various unpublished local bus routes and taxis and travel (in the wrong direction) via Laos and Vietnam you could reach China, where there are decent modern trains (at modern prices) and you can eventually reach the far east of Russia and travel on a branch of Trans Siberian Express to Moscow.
If the Russians let you in...
and don't arrest you on fake charges to hold as a hostage....
you could eventaully get near to the EU border. Which is closed to most traffic but they may let you in on foot. And then you have to pay EU train fares to reach London.

Overall, about 3 months longer than flying and more expensive even without the EU/Russian border problems.

With a huge amount of experience it is possible to loop around from China via one of the ....stans to Georgia (not by train) from where you can reach Turkey (by land) or Romania (ferry) and finally reach a train service. But that journey is so epic the BBC included the reverse direction in a TV series!!!



replied 3 months ago

Sawasdee khrap. Rot fay may mee, lae go phen paeng mahk lae yaak duay.
Its mostly as above-and via stans is also near impossible as you canNOT go west overland via Burma (MYanmar-Phima in Thai)-has to be via Laos-China.
more info also on read ALL-the later updates are often not clearly in the text.
Hint: IF you only want a flite-single to go back to that funny island in the NorthSea-also Thai agencies still might have better offers as all those online sites. Expect a lowest price of around 20/25k THB for it-in LOW season