

Posted 1 year ago

Hej! Vi ska tågluffa i Europa i sommar under en månad och skulle behöva lite hjälp med vår rutt. Vi utgår troligtvis från stockholm och sen vill vi ta oss till Paris, Barcelona, franska rivieran (Nice, dagstur till Monaco och sen kanske till något av Marseille, Saint Tropez, Cannes), Monterosso, Milano, Venedig, kanske dagstur till Rom och Pisa, sen till (Kandersteg eller Lauterbrunnen eller Interlaken), kanske Zürich, kanske Bled, sen Berlin och sen Köpenhamn.
Vi är öppna för ändringar, att man tar bort något, byter ut något och ändrar ordningen. Vi har inte bestämt ställen helt så vi tar emot alla tips man kan få. Vi vill hinna med mycket men vi vill inte stressa. Kan ni hjälpa oss att hitta den smidigaste rutten och om vi borde ta bort något?

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replied 1 year ago

this sounds like an American picking out locations from Instagram photos with no idea of geography. First advice, get a map and use to see how long things like this will take. And read the reservation conditions on the Interral website, especially France, Italy and Spain.



replied 1 year ago

Toi me it lok=oks like a genuine Svenskarna, without too much knowledge of toget/trains and probably in the new Swcandi wave of flying is very bad. Places listed are in a quite logical order. An USAer will not know that tipical word: Trainhitching (tagluffare)-SJ once promoted the pases with that-pre 2000
Better site for general info: Or the inter/eurail site-community,=also forum. Most info is already on it, as anyone 1st time asks the same
(which again shows that a mr google does not adapt too quick to changes-as how this site sank away)
Best ticket: INterrail pass- BUT you have chozen the worst countries to use it, ESpana
For those modern new Scandi; O dear-a lot cannot even do online, but have to do-think <2000 or ask granddad: in person, on a counter in a station-like they now not even have anymore in SE! AND its now way too early to book for sommaren-but can check timings on sites of the railways there-they wont change very much. HOWever; some trains/companies do NOT accept IR-passes and general planners will not show that-thats why that eurail is a better source
For short local trips in the FR Riviera: there are also much cheaper local passes for only that area.