

Posted 13 years ago

Hey folks,
I am currently looking into getting from Belgrade to Mostar by bus in September. I found a connection online on , which says that the bus departs from Belgrade at 10.45pm and arrives in Mostar at 09.40am the following morning. The bus is supposed to depart on a daily basis.
Now, my question is - how trustworthy is that website? I looked up the connection on the website of the bus company it mentions, Globtour, and they don't even offer Mostar as a destination on their routes, which has me kind of wondering. I tried contacting them, but so far I haven't received an answer to my mail.
Has anybody travelled this way recently and can give me reliable information? Also, if so - how much is a one-way journey?
Thanks in advance :)

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replied 12 years ago

Hi Anne,

sadly I do not have info regarding bus travel in that region. :os

However, there would be a train connection as well via Sarajevo - it can though happen that you miss the connecting train in Sarajevo and have to continue the following day:
:arr: [u][/u]
:arr: [u][/u]

Flo 8)



replied 12 years ago

Thanks for the links :) the problem is though.. as we will be travelling from Sofia, we will have to go via Belgrade anyhow, and there is only one train from Belgrade to Sarajevo that - unfortunately - departs only in the mornings. As we are on a rather tight schedule, it would be much better if the nightbus we found was actually in existence, but I guess we'll just have to make our way to Belgrade and see what will happen. :) I guess if there is no bus, we will have to make our way straight to Dubrovnik and skip Mostar.. :(
Well, we will let you guys know in any case! ;)



replied 12 years ago

it may be daft simple; it is NOT a through bus, but with connection (likely sarajevo) thus that comp. does not run the whole way. You get a ticket that also covers the 2nd bus. Also: I have now told about 12345 times that in these parts of the world webistes are not always very trustworthy-there are also many buses that simply do not come in ANY www. You cannot expect someone to know each and every bus runing in Europe (there are well over 100.000 in fact in total)-do as we all did before this www came: just ask when there. Take it as it comes.
Even IF a bus is posted on some www-in these parts of this worls they will not go if they make a loss- so then the bus is cancelled.