

Posted 13 years ago

Hey Guys,

I've found an interesting offer at the homepage of Slovak Rail. There is a special ticket, with which you can use all trains in Slovakia for 31 days. The ticket is offered only in July and August and you have to have a special Slovakian rail card. I list the possible tickets here:

People under 26 years of age:

Junior RailPlus-Card: 16,50 €
Monthly ticket: 45 €

all together: 61,50 €

People between 26 and 60:

Klasik Railplus-Card: 33,16 €
Monthy ticket: 55 €

all together: 88,16 €

You also don't have to pay supplements in IC and EC trains, when I have understood everything correct on the Slovakian page. Compared to the Interrail-Ticket it's much cheaper (IR: 8 days - 79 € plus supplements)

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