Posted 13 years ago
Just a note:
if you want to make reservations for further trips and have some IR or other pass, you have to go to the very few ticketing points left of NSHIspeed (used to be named NSinternational)-in the main season there are often horrendous ques for that at Amsterdam Centraal. Beside the normal prices for that you also have to pay a servce fee of currently 10€-and you can only do a maximum of 3 reservations (per person-you can do for more persons in 1 time-but anyone pays that 10€ extra). Via the fone there is a lower fee-but you get hit with high per minyte fone-rates, plus you need to have a proper Dutch adress and most times aDutch bank account too.
Many people-after all the local trains are free, go to SCHIPHOL airport-there will be ques too, but much shorter, the ride is just 16 mins.
There is an alternative,a sister of railcc, as they also are prime agents for DB=DeutscheBahn: de treinreiswinkel (train-travel-shop), in Leiden and in Amsterdam-Centrum (SINGEL). They charge 7,50 extra.
As you see: this is just a warning, so its best, if you can, to save money to arrange all that somewhere else.
Reason; NSHIspeed does not gain anything from those bookings-and any labour cost money. The are already at a big loss. Going to Belgium will not help: there they charge now 8€ as extra servicefee.
There probably are more countries (I think also Austria and Swizterland) that charge an extra fee for doing that-mostly a little lower-about 5-6eur
Thanks for the detailed info.
However there is no booking fee in Austria.