

Posted 13 years ago

Hey everyone,

I'll interrail during july and we'll be three (2 boys and 1 girl).
This is our journey for one month :
Roma-Firenze-Venezia-Plitvice-Budapest-Vienna-Krakow-Auschwitz-Praha-Berlin-Hambourg-Amsterdam-Maastricht and Brussels.

We'll try to be the cheapest as possible : campings,friends,couchsurfing and we'll make our own food.
Do you think that 1000euros can be enough for one month?

Do you have any tips ? Or place that we'll pass very close that we can't miss ?
Any good campings you went ? ;)


Rémi ||

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replied 13 years ago

Hi Rémi!

Sorry for answering late, it's quite busy at the moment... :os

I think 1000€ is well enough for a month of InterRail...if you are at least a little cost sensitive, but it seems you are. ;) On my first 1 month trip in 2006 my total expenses didnt exceed 1000€ and that was including the ticket, and some CD/book shopping in London... :D

How are your plans on getting out of France/back home?

- Italy: Remember that the fast ES/AV trains all have compulsory reservation of 10€. Have a look at the Italy country board on possibilities to avoid these trains (eg the slower IC or regional trains)

- Plitvice: You can find some info regarding the national park as well as getting to Slovenia from Italy in the Slovenia country board

- The other trips are quite simple in terms of InterRailing; no reservations to be paid as far as I see it. If you want to use night trains, have a look at the country boards for fares and timings. A good route for a night train would be eg Wien - Krakow.
Go to Auschwitz/Oswiecim as a day trip from Krakow.

In general I think this is a good route for one month...probably not much time to fit much more places in. Maybe think about a short trip to Brugge and/or Antwerpen from Bruxelles.
If you do not find cheap accomodation in Hamburg you could also go there as a day trip from Berlin.

Campings: Vliegenbos or Zeeburg in Amsterdam, Camping au Ciel Ouvert in Bruxelles (use the forum search, I have described them before). :)

Hope that helps for now.

Flo 8)