

Posted 13 years ago

Hi everyone,

A friend an I are looking at flying out from London to Berlin in April. We have approx 2-3 weeks to travel around and generally enjoy ourselves before heading home to start jobs. We like the look of the countries south/east of Germany and the idea of flying home from Istanbul. Having never interrailed before, We are totally clueless. A. is this distance do-able in the timescale we have? What pass do you think we require for this sort of trip? Has anyone done something similar?...If so how much approximately did they spend?

Any help would be fantastic. I apologise if these have already been asked!


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replied 13 years ago


You can do this trip in 2 or 3 weeks, no problem. I would recommend to get the 10in22 InterRail pass. Maybe think about a route like this:

Berlin - Prague - Vienna - Budapest - Beograd - Sofia - Istanbul. Depending on how long you want to go maybe add Krakow, Ljubljana or a trip to the coast in Montenegro.

Costs...the 10in22 pass is 249€. If you want to travel overnight (to save on accomodation costs) add ~15€ for each overnight travel (this is for a bunk in a 6bed couchette, if you are fine with regular seats you can have reservations for ~3€ depending on the route). 15-20€ per night for accomodation (hostels, in Eastern Europe rather 15€ than 20€), plus 10-15€ per day for food, beer, sightseeing etc...
In general you can live really cheap when going on InterRail, it mostly depends on how much you are willing to spend. ;)

:arr: [u][/u]

Flo 8)