Posted 13 years ago
LISBON (by airplane) - Roma (2 nigths) - Firenze (1) - Budapest (3) - wiena (2) - Munchen (2) - Praha (2) - Berlin (3) - Hamburg (2) - Kobenhavn (2) - Amsterdam (2) - Bruxelles (1) - London (by airplain) - LISBON
Flight- 120€
Global pass- 320€
Hostel - 17.5€/night
food- 15€/day
train supluments- 100€
(public transport, museum,...) - 200€
[b]More imformation: [/b]
Group: 3 boys
age: 17years
Kind of Hostel: cheapest
Months: Jully and August
Did you think they are a realistic previsions:?:
- Supplements:
Roma - Firenze: 10€ for the fast AV trains, 3€ if you can catch a slower IC train or free with a slow regional train
Firenze - Budapest: Hmmm...either you go to Venezia first (in the afternoon, preferably with an IC train) then continue with the night train [u][/u] ...this would cost ~8€ at least. Or you take the night train to Wien first [u][/u] stay there and then go to Budapest. This would cost at least 7€ to get to Wien, free travel to Budapest then. Budapest - Wien - München is free if you travel with day trains as well. If you take the Budapest - München night train [u][/u] then it will cost at least 3€.
All the other trips can be made without extra reservations. Maybe think about the Kobenhavn - Amsterdam night train that would save you to pay for one hostel night: [u][/u]
So, overall I'd say you will have to pay a maximum of 50€ extra for reservations. This can be still less if you dont use a couchette (25€) on the Kobenhavn - Amsterdam night train.
15€ per day is a realistic amount for food, 17,5€ for a hostel night is rather low as you are travelling in western Europe mainly. I'd calculate with ~20€ overall to be safe. :)
Flo 8)
Hi, again
Let me see if i understood, the 50€ who are destinated to reservations pay suplements too?
Or we need to booking and after that pay the suplements?
Looking forward your help.
The 50€ are for making reservations in addition to your InterRail ticket. You need those for certain trains (high speed and night trains mostly). For example if you want to go with the InterCity from Firenze to Venezia you go to the ticket counter in Rome or Firenze or whereever and ask for a reservation for that particular train. You will have to pay the reservation fee (3€ in that case). In addition with your InterRail ticket you then can use the InterCity train. :)