Posted 14 years ago
I would like to know if there is a way to find someone with who I travelled in a City Night Line from Berlin to Paris.
I know her first name + the infos regarding the seat number, etc...
Is there a way to retrieve some infos, in particular her last name.
The DB told me they don't release this kind of information (what I understand).
But maybe anyone knows of a way, or a person in charge which I could contact to help me out.
Thanx a lot
Hi Thomas!
I think that's quite a difficult thing...DB wont/cant give you more details, that's clear. If it's serious maybe try to start kind of a Facebook-Group thing searching her? If you'd ask all your friends to ask theirs and so on? Maybe give it a shot? Otherwise...if you're lucky she reads here. ;)
Do you any other details - where she was from, where she was heading, etc...?
Problem with asking at the train companies is that they only have her name when she had an internet ticket or similar - regular tickets dont carry passengers name. So that probably wont help you...
Sorry, cant do more...good luck! :)
Flo 8)