Posted 14 years ago
Hi guys I have an urgent problem I have to get a Dobermann dog from Belgrade to Bucharest by train anyone know if I can do this and what is involved hope you can help.
I can only quote from the websites of ZS/Serbian Railways:
Transport of pets
If not opposite to special rules, it is allowed to bring in the passenger coaches:
- little pets (closed in cages, baskets or other appropriate package), if they can be placed as hand luggage,
- little dogs that do not bother the passengers and that can be held in the lap,
Little dogs imply dogs whereof height does not exceed 30 cm.
Bigger dogs lead by army, police and blind persons can be transported in passenger coaches class II.
Notwithstanding the size, dogs must have nose muzzle, and larger dogs must be held on a short leash.
For dogs transported in passenger train (except for little dogs held in lap) a half of the regular transport charge for class II passenger train is to be paid, and if transported in sleeping coaches or couchettes, the passenger has to have the cabin for exclusive usage/single cabin.
On the website of CFR I didnt find any info, neither in English nor in Romanian.
Maybe it's best to contact them directly; I dont have any experience regarding this matter, sorry.
Flo 8)
I would just take it. I dont know. I think it will be fine and they wont kick you out. Just beg them, etc. Make sure your dog is really calm though, so noone complains and stuff. If it is, I think it should be fine hidden underneath your legs. :)