Posted 14 years ago
Hi there, i've only just found out about interrail as i was having a quick look on the internet before i went to bed and here i am 5 hours later with all these ideas in my head planning different routes! Not good when i have to get up for work in 4 hours!
Firstly as i have only known about it for a few hours, i've had a quick read of it all but my tired mind might be the reason why i am a little bit confused so i would appriciate it if anyone could clear up a few questions.
1. I am 22 years old and looking at the prices i would class as a youth?
2. The 5 days within 10 days and 10 days within 22 days thing, what excatly does that mean? Does it mean you can only take 5 train journeys in 10 days? or you can only travel on 5 days of a 10 day window?
3. I've come up with a list of cities i would like to visit plus taking into account how accesible they are, the cities i have come up with are
[b]Stockholm - Copenhagen - Hamburg - Berlin - Prague - Munich - Paris - Amsterdam[/b]
In Stockholm, Hamburg, Prague and Amsterdam i would like to experience their nightlife and stay over.
In Munich i'd like to spend the day there (7-8 hours) sampling their famous beer and possibly taking a tour of Bayern Munich's ground.
In Paris and Berlin i would like to just visit the sites/landmarks.
I've included Copenhagen merely for the fact that it is directly between Stockholm and Hamburg and because it's another country and i would like to spend a few hours there, there is no places i want to see there and i know it is one of europes expensive cities so a nice beer near the station would do to kill 2 hours.
Now in my tired head at the minute i am wondering if that is possible to do in 7 days and for £129 (the cost of a 2nd class youth 5 days within 10 days ticket) would that be correct or is there alot of add ons with the places im visiting?
Hopefully someone can answer me my questions and i'll come back on tommorrow with a clearer mind with hopefully some answers!
Thanks 8)
1) YOUTH is the one you need. :)
2) 5 in 10: you fix the starting date of the 10 days your ticket will be valid at the purchase.
During this period your ticket is valid, fill in the travel days when ever you need them manually in your ticket.
1 travel day is from 00:01h in the morning until 23:59h at night. You can cross as much borders as you want and use as much trains as you want.
There is a special nice rule for night trains:
3) Read this topic explaining you a lot about schedules, where to find supplements, etc:
You will find all the information in the country topics - and you can travel this route nearly without any supplements (only if you want to save time by using night trains).
I hope this will help for your first steps - I am a bit in a hurry right now - so more details soon.
Peter :)