

Posted 14 years ago

Hi there! I'm thinking of bying the 5in10days ticket, traveling alone, starting with flying (from Oslo) to Amsterdam, perhaps returning by plane from Paris. Haven't yet decided the cities inbetween, but my wishes are another city in France, Rome, Barcelona, maybe Belgium too. (To visit all of these will probably take to much time though...). I will travel in August, even though I know it is not the best month - I actually have no choise, it's August or nothing.

My dream is to travel with hand luggage only, is that even possible? How important is a sleeping bag? I guess France mid-August means that I will have a hard time finding places to live - is it necessary to always book hostels many days befor arriving if I don't want to sleep outside? Since I wouldn't have a problem with sleeping outside though, if it's not too cold and not too unsafe, an option is of course to actually bring a sleeping bag, but then there won't be too much room left in the small backpack:)

Thank you for your advices in advance:)

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replied 14 years ago


If you only travel for 10 days, it is possible to do it with a small back pack - even more comfortable.
I recommend to sleep in hostels - as traveling alone you will always find a bed even booking only one night in advance: [ux][/ux]

You often have free Internet access in hostels (to book the hostel for the next night) and you can also wash your clothes there (between 3-5 EUR).

Peter :)



replied 14 years ago

Thank you for your answers, Peter:) Just a couple of follow-ups:

as traveling alone you will always find a bed even booking only one night in advance - even in Paris and Amsterdam? (it will probably be expensive though?)

When it comes to night train (and trains in general), are there chanses that they are all full, or can I probably make a reservation the same day? I've heard that in France there could be difficulties with trains.

If night trains and hostels is ok, I guess there should be no need for a sleeping bag. But if I'm suddenly stuck somewhere without anywhere to sleep, it could be cold, I perhaps should try to find something alternative (something that occupies less space than a sleeping bag, like a.. bivi bag or something, just in case..)



replied 14 years ago

Night trains get easily full in August.

Check this topic concerning reservations: [u][/u]

About hostels: you will definitely find a place to sleep - but like you said, not the cheapest or best ones: [ux][/ux]

Peter :)