Posted 14 years ago
Hello Everyone..
Together with a friend we are planning to travel a few countries in Europe for acout 20 days in the end of September. We are however totally new to the concept of using interrail to travel and need some help to construct a travel route and however it is possible or not to complete it during the time we have. We also welcome advice about food, sleep and things to see or do on our travels so lay it on us!
We have decided to start our journey in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon. From there we are thinking about using an interrail pass to travel north through Europe. Our final destination before flying back to Sweden will be London. So, is it possible to travel Lisbon-London during this period of time? How many cities can we expect to visit and how long should we/can we stay in them? Is it even possible to lay out a good travel route using interrail? It would be quite boring if we find ourselves spending 25% of our trip just traveling.. so any tips would be appreciated. If you have the time to lay out a travel route for us, feel free!
I recommend you [b]2/3 nights in the bigger cities[/b] to not just rush trough.
And the [b]10 travel days in a period of 22 days (10 in 22) InterRail Global Pass[/b] will be then the best and cheapest solution for you.
To add: Spain and France are a bit expensive for InterRailers, as you will have to pay supplements for most high speed trains.:
A route could be:
[b]Lisbon - Porto - (Lisbon) - Madrid - Barcelona - trough the Pyrenees by Petit Train Jaune - Perpignan - Nice (day trip to Cannes, Monaco) - Paris - Brussels/Brugges - Amsterdam - London[/b]
You will find all train connections you need at the [b]country topics[/b]:
Here is a [b]step by step guide[/b], which will help you as well and give you the links to the schedule planer and so on:
[b]Just the most important topics:[/b]
Paris to the North:
For hostels have a look at [ux]https://rail.shop/hostelworld[/ux]
Especially Lisbon is really great - a lot of really cool hostels there! Amsterdam as well! :)
Have fun planing your route and if you want to support our work, buy your official InterRail pass at [ux]https://rail.shop/interrail[/ux]
Thank you, Peter :)
Alright, thank you! Sounds like a good route, I wonder, by expensive do you mean things like hostels and food and/or just because of the train supplements? How much would an ordinary trip with a fast train cost? How flexible could one be, for example we just show up at a railway station and jump on the next train to the town we want to go to. Or is the wait long? Would we have to book in advance in some cases or is it just to jump on?
Thanks again. :))
Spain is expensive on supplements for trains: between EUR 6,50 and 10 per high speed train.
Just read the following topics:
Train schedules: [u]https://rail.cc/en/search-interrail-route[/u]
Supplements: [u]https://rail.cc/en/interrail-train-reservation[/u]
And the links to the trains I gave you. There everything is mentioned. Read as well the topic about reservations - everything is there what you need. :)
Peter :)
Okay, thank you very much, really!
I just had one question I haven't been able to find, how do I know what station to travel to? For example Madrid has about six or seven trainstations to get off at and we want to get off at the most central one.. are every station along the same tracks? As long as you travel to the right city?
Oh and about the 10 days in 22 pass, can we choose what days will be our travel days or is that pre-determined?
10 in 22: you fill in a travel day manually when ever you need one - so you are flexible and free. It is not pre-determined.
Concerning stations: it depends of which direction the train arrives - North, South, .... but all stations are well connected by public transportation.
Peter :)