

Posted 14 years ago

at the minute two of us are planning a trip round europe, we are thinking by starting of doing inter rail then seeing how far/long we can last traveling round europe doing odd jobs and farm work on organic farms, anything really just for food and bed but will be mostly camping and doing everything on the cheap,we are hoping to do a year. I know to most this might seem a tad strange but my friend is an artist and I see myself as a writer, so we are doing it just for that experience, I also know that the lenght of our trip wont suit most but if you want to join us along the way that would be great or your more than welcome to jump on board the whole way, anyway we are both 27 male from Ireland and a little crazy, in a good way. The trip isn't planned to start till july probably nearer then end also it will be very ad hoc and easy going.
sure drop us a line if this suits anybody

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replied 14 years ago

Hey guys,

I am travelling in August, would be fun to meet up along the way.

PM me if you are interested and I will tell you my route etc and hopefully we will be in the same place at the same time at some point or another!
