
Rasty Compotas

Posted 14 years ago

...Brussels - Amsterdam - Berlin - Prague - Warsaw - Krakow - Bratislava - Wien - Budapest - Ljubljana - Zagreb - Belgrade - Sofia - Istanbul - Athens - Rome - Firenze - Venice - Milan

Hi there.
We're from Portugal and we are thinking about getting a plane from Oporto to Brussels and from Milan back home.
We're only thinking about activating the interrail-pass (valid for one month) in Brussels (after visiting the city).
Do you think this route is ok? If not could someone help patch it up?
Could anyone tell me how many days can i spend in each city?
DO you have any further suggestions about other countries or other cities? What about other cities in Croatia?

Thanks a lot for the attention,
Rasty Compotas

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replied 14 years ago


Yo already added all cities on your route.
Replace the ??? between Zagreb and Sofia with Belgrade. :)

In Croatia you can have a stop as well in Rijeka or Split. So you are at the sea... maybe use a cheap bus between these tow cities along the coast.

From Greece use the ferry to Italy.
Currently there are no international trains leaving Turkey and I am sure the Greek railway company will be on strike some days this summer as for their political problems. So calculate some extra money if you have to use the bus. But it isn't as expensive: with EUR 30 you should be able to cross and leave these countries.

For nearly all routes you can find details at the country topics, also with information about night trains: [u][/u]

Peter :)


Rasty Compotas

replied 14 years ago

Thanks a lot Peter.

You answered me all of the questions less one, that I really would like to know.

I don't know how many days should spend in each city, and I would like to have an idea to know if the route we choose it's correct. As you can see the route is big and I don't know if in one month is enough to do all the route.

Thanks again,
Rasty Compotas



replied 14 years ago

Hi Rasty...

I recommend to stay at least 2 nights in a city. Otherwise you only check in and check out of hostels - and it gets stressful.
But there are also cities worth to stay 3 nights and some where only 1 night or even a day trip is okay - and then continue in the evening by night train.
My personal opinion:
3 nights: Amsterdam, Berlin, Budapest, Istanbul
1 night or day trip: Bratislava, Firenze, Venice, Milano

Your route is good - a big one, but you can do it. Better to have some more cities in your plans. If you get in a hurry, just skip some.

Peter :)


Rasty Compotas

replied 14 years ago

Hello !

Finally, after all this time we have decided all the cities.

I really would like to listen your opinion about our route and what would you change.

Brussels - we arrive day 5th august by plane and stay there 2 days
Amsterday - 7 to 10 - 3 days
Berlin - 10 to 13 - 3 days
Warsaw - 13 to 15 - 2 days
Krakow - 15 to 17 - 2 days
Prague - 17 to 19 - 2 days
Wien - 19 to 21 - 2 days
Bratislava - 21 - 1 day
Budapeste - 21 to 24 - 3 days
Ljubljana - 24 to 27 - 2 days
Zagreb - 27 to 29 - 2 days
Split 29-31 - 2 days
Dubrovnik 31-2 - 2 days
Rome -2 to 5 - 3 days
Florence - 5 to 7 - 2 days
Venice - 7 to 8 - 1 day

Flight back in Milan




replied 14 years ago


Now it is really perfect. :)
I wouldn't change anything.

Peter :)