

Posted 1 year ago

I’m going to do an exchange semester in Japan this year. After this is done, I want to travel a little through Asia. My plan is to get back to Europe by train, starting from Singapore (But this starting point is not quite fixed yet). As far as I know, there are some rail gaps, so traveling the entire route by train should not possible. I also don’t want to take the Trans-Siberian train, so it gets even a little trickier. I haven’t really found that much useful advice/ guides for journeys like mine. Maybe one of you could share their experiences.

Did anybody of you travel through Asia by train and could share their experiences?

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replied 1 year ago

Presumably you have read this (if you couldn't find it in searches then you probably shouldn't be attempting the journey).

to add to the problem described there is now the earthquake damage in Turkey.

And seat61 reports that Burma is effectively closed to foreign travellers and the UK Government is advising people not to travel to large parts of the country so you need to check what your government says (when they issue warnings like that it cancels your travel insurance and they have an excuse not to look for you).

Japan-Singapore by rail/bus/ferry is probably a more doable plan - then fly back from there.



replied 1 year ago

State nationality-this will also largely determine what visa you can et and thus what route is feasible.
I have been in about 25/26 Asian countries-of which some 20 have railways, but never in 1 long trip from EUR. Have been also on my own and organising it all by myself in mainland CHina and Iran and Kazakstan and Kyrgizstan. In a small tourgroup in communist times once part of that transSib.
One can go into Burma/Myanmar (but you can meet thousands of nice Burmese in Thailand), but it has no or ever had trains over borders. And you cannot then enter Bangla or India coming off TH, as those borders are closed.