Posted 14 years ago
Okay. Long story short.
I'm suffering from anxiety and sometimes panic attacks.
Every time I feel well, my planned trip looks so amazing and like so much fun (already booked flight and have the interrail card in front of me), but on the bad days I just feel like unbooking the whole thing. Probably I'll regret not going so bad, but on the other hand I wont be left alone in europe with anxiety. But on the other hand again I do have these prescription pills to calm me down in case of a panic attack.. But on the other hand, again, these are addicting and not for use when not really, really needed. My thoughts is going back and forth between how awesome it's gonna be, back to how bad it can be
I did travel once before for a couple of days, and on the second last day I got a horrible anxiety attack and felt so very alone. But when I look back on this trip; it's probably one of the best times of my life. Met so many interesting people and had a lot of fun, except for that one day.
My therapist says go, dont let the anxiety stop you from doing things, that's just gonna make things worse, but I dont know.
So, what do you think? I'm going alone for three weeks. I need encouraging talk! :)
Anyone..? :|
Well...if your therapist thinks it's ok then I'd say go. :)
Do you have any plans on where you wanna go? Certain countries, cities...? Maybe it helps you to have a fixed schedule - to know where you are going next, to have reservations for both trains and hostels ready.
Depending on where you live and where you wanna go it may be also an option to keep the route somewhat close to home so you could go back home rather quick if you feel the need to.
Just some thoughts late at night... :)
Flo 8)