

Posted 14 years ago

My boyfriend and I are heading on a short interrailing trip next week. We want to go from Budapest to Istanbul. I have checked the online timetables and it seems that we would leave Budapest at 11pm, arrive in Belgrade at 6.30am, leave at 7.50am, and arrive in Budapest about 24 hours later.
I have a few questions, it'd be great if anyone can help out.
First of all, do you think we're running a real risk of getting delayed on our first train and missing our connection?
Second, according to the online timetable the first train is subject to compulsory reservation - so will it be ok to book it a day or two before in Budapest, or do we need to book it earlier in our trip?
Third, the online timetable doesn't require compulsory reservation for the second train, but we'd definitely like to get ourselves some kind of sleeping accommodation on it since it's a 24 hour train! Do you think we'd be able to book that in Budapest along with our first ticket? Otherwise I'm not sure what to do... our connection time at Belgrade is only just over an hour, will that be enough time to make a reservation? And will it be too late by then? Is there the option to pay the supplements once we are on the second train?

I'm sorry there are so many questions here!! Any help at all would be really appreciated, thank you :)

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replied 14 years ago


[b]1)[/b] My experience is: the train to Istanbul has to wait for the train coming from Budapest, as some wagons of the Budapest train are attached to the one to Istanbul (Vienna-Budapest-Sofia cars are running this route).

[b]2)[/b] You will get beds two days in advance in Budapest. Shouldn't be a problem. As earlier, as better, as you know your travel dates.
Supplement information: [u][/u]

[b]3)[/b] Yes, you can buy these supplements already in Budapest - I recommend it, as time in Beograd might be to short (depends on the delay). It won't be a problem to get this supplement as well directly from the staff at the train to Istanbul - but prices may vary. ;)
The supplement might be a little bit chaeper in Beograd than in Budapest. But only a little bit.
Supplement information: [u][/u]
If you have the money, spent it for a 2 bed compartment!

And if you want to support our forum and work, buy your InterRail pass at [ux][/ux] - delivery within the UK is in 24 hours - rest of Europe 48 hours on business days. Thank you.

Have a great trip, Peter :)



replied 14 years ago

Thank so much Peter, that's really helpful. I have one more question (sorry! :) ) - how many days travel would a journey like this use up? Would it be 2 or 3?
Thanks again for all your help :D



replied 14 years ago

[b]It will be 2 travel days.[/b]

Budapest-Keleti pu Dep: 2300 | rule of 1900h: [u][/u]
Beograd Arr: 0629

Beograd Dep: 0750
Istanbul Sirkeci Arr: 0819 (next day)

Departure 01.March - 2300h - Budapest
Fill in your pass 02. March as travel day using the rule of 1900h.
Travel the full day via Beograd in direction of Istanbul.
During this trio you have to fill in the 03. March as arriving there over night.
[b]2 travel days in total.[/b]

Peter :)



replied 14 years ago

Just to add: If you use the 1900-rule from Budapest the starting date of your pass has to be (in Peters example) [b]March 1st[/b]. :)



replied 14 years ago

Thank you again :)

But I am a bit confused, sorry. I understand the rule of 1900h, but won't that make my travel days 2nd and 3rd March? Do I fill the form in as 2nd March, or 1st March as flow has said?

Really can't thank you enough for all the help, we have bought our tickets through your site :)



replied 14 years ago

You probably are confused by starting date and travel day.

Starting date = the first day of validity of your IR pass; in case of a flexible pass (5in10 or 10in22) this is not neccessarily a travel day (like in your case when you want to make use of the 1900-rule)
Travel date = talking about flexible passes these are the days you fill in in your pass individually; free travel on this day

So in your specific case you need a valid IR pass on 1st march to make use of the 1900-rule on this evening - you fill in the 2nd and 3rd as your travel days and can travel from 1st march 1900 until 3rd march 2400. Hope all is clear now. :)

Flo 8)