

Posted 14 years ago

Yes we're reliving our teens and interrailing this year. Last couple of weeks in June and first week in july. We want to start in Amsterdam having got an overnight ferry from Harwich to the Hook of Holland and want to end up in Bordeaux where we have a little cottage for 5 or 6 days relaxing and save a days travel for the homeward trip back to the UK.

We are looking at the 10 days in 15 travel. Any thoughts or advice? We don't mind spending nights on trains but don't want to travel constantly.

Thanks ;)

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replied 14 years ago

hej hej ... :)

first some links for your journey...

[b]Amsterdam-Berlin[/b]: [u][/u]

[b]Berlin-Rome[/b]: first by free ICE day train to [b]Munich[/b] or if you like as well by night trains ( [u][/u] ), from there continue by night train to ROME: [u][/u]

[b]Rome-Barcelona[/b]: day train to Milano, then change to the night train: [u][/u]
You can travel as well along the French coast - but if you don't want to stop there, use the night train as you will save a lot of time. For the day train travel have a look at: [u][/u] and [u][/u]
For a stop I recommend Nice.

[b]Barcelona-Madrid[/b]: by day train, pay attention the the supplements: [u][/u]

[b]Madrid-Bordeaux[/b]: as well by day train - and again: pay attention to the supplements

Train schedules are here: [u][/u]

:idea: Maybe just have a stop in [b]Munich[/b] - as it is on your way. As well [b]Nice[/b] - as Nice is nice. But then you have to calculate if you want to stay in Nice and lose 2 days or not.

Better should be for example: [b]Berlin-Vienna[/b] by night train ( [u][/u] ) and then from [b]Vienna - Rome[/b]: [u][/u]

If you stop in Vienna, [b]Budapest[/b] isn't fare by free direct Railjet tain (2:30h travel time)- and definitely worth to see. :)

And if you like this help and the forum and the whole railcc project, support it and buy your official InterRail passes via [ux][/ux] - thank you. :)

All the best, Peter :)