Posted 14 years ago
I am wondering whether it is required that you have been in a European country for more than six months to purchase a Interrail pass or whether it is required that you have a visa which has been valid for the past six months. I have been living in France with my visa for the past four months but have been here for over six months and have bills that can verify that. Also, if I am not eligible for the interrail pass I was wondering how strictly they regulate the use of these passes. Eg. could I possibly use an interrail pass even if I am not eligible?
hi ...
as much as I know for the rules, you need an official document such as a residency permit or a visa or something like this.
even if you can proof it for example with bills, you always have to keep in mind: your ticket, passport and then sometimes your proof of residency will be checked in the trains by the staff.
not very often but sometimes.
so if they only see some bills and not a visa, they don't understand it - as they are nothing official.
there is a ticket called EURAIL: [u][/u] which is nearly the same like InterRail.
Peter :)