

Posted 15 years ago

Hi everybody.

I've planned to do that trip the October 8th. I'ld use the 5 days within 10 days pass. But i don't know where can I start because i'm currently living in Aalborg, Denmark... so i don't know if i can start my trip there or i must go to another city.

1st day
... to Berlin
Staying in Berlin for 1 day and 1 night

2nd day
Berlin to Warsaw
Staying in Warsaw for 1 day and 1 night

3rd day
Warsaw to Bratislava

4th day
Bratislava to Praga

5th day
Praga to Munchen

Does this trip look realistic? If you got any suggestion or advice...

Thank you

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replied 15 years ago

The route you chosed look realistical, meaning that you would be able to do it, but you won't have the chance to see to well the cities where you're gonna stay. If you have that kind of pass the best would be to return home on the 9th or 10th day and not earlyer and to stay for at least 2 days in the bigger cities (Berlin, Warsaw, Praga).
For me it would sound better this route: -Berlin - Warsaw - Bratislava - Budapest - Wien - Praga - Munchen (or Dresden) - , but it is all about the connection you have betwen those cities. I can't say much since i don't know how much time you will be spending on train and at what hour you will arrive in a certain city. Look closer to the rutes i suggested, make a schedule as realistical as possible and I'll take a look at it and tell you what i think.



replied 15 years ago

Oh, or even better (sorry i haven't thought at this earlier), you can use this route: Denmark - Berlin - Praga - Wien - Bratislava - Budapest - Ljubljana - Veneza - Munchen - Frankfurt - Denmark, spending the nights and maybe a day or even two in this cities: Berlin, Wien, Budapest, Venezia.