Posted 15 years ago
Hi Jason...
It is definitely not dangerous to InterRail for a 34 year old man. As even 16-17 year old railers travel alone trough Europe.
For your route: there are in deed a lot of options - Europe is big... I think InterRail is perfect to get first impressions of different regions - a bit of an overview over places in Europe.
Why not having a tour starting in Switzerland, via [b]Southern-France[/b] - [b]Paris[/b] - [b]Belgium[/b] - [b]Netherlands[/b] (Amsterdam) - [b]Hamburg[/b] - [b]Denmark[/b] (Copenhagen)
then the tour of Scandinavia:
via [b]Stockholm[/b] up to the North (take the [u]https://rail.cc/en/train/stockholm-to-oestersund[/u] + [u]https://rail.cc/en/train/oestersund-to-gaellivare[/u] [b]Inlandsbanan[/b]) then cross the border to [b]Finland[/b] by [u]https://rail.cc/en/train/lulea-to-kemi[/u] free bus, go down to [b]Helsinki[/b]
next steps: [u]https://rail.cc/en/interrail-ferry/finland/fi[/u] by [b]ferry back to Stockholm[/b] - [b]Malmö[/b] - [u]https://rail.cc/en/train/malmoe-to-berlin[/u] night train to [b]Berlin[/b]
or do the route from [b]Helsinki[/b] via the [u]https://rail.cc/blog/baltics-train-bus-ferry/[/u] [b]Baltic countries[/b], [b]Warszaw[/b], to [b]Berlin[/b]
via [b]Prague or Krakow[/b] to [b]Budapest[/b] - [b]Ljubljana[/b] - [b]Northern Italy[/b] - back to [b]Switzerland[/b].
Always have a look at the country topics of this forum where you will find a lot of information about night trains and special connections...
Peter :)
You can do this route in 1 month - and still have two or three days at some places...
just use the route planer and calculate it:
And I recommend to have such a plan of your tour ... you will see: it will change a bit during your tour - as if you need other nice travelers which you will join or you stay longer at one and the same place as you simply like it there... so have a rough route and some main goals, but don't be fixed too much on your plans - better to enjoy the feeling of freedom which you will get after 1 week of train travel. :)
It is definitely not too much ... :)
Sounds like a nice tour ... :)