Posted 15 years ago
My girlfriend and I are looking for some information for Eastern Europe, our route is looking something like this:
Venice - Ljubljana - Bled - Split - Dubrovnik Sarajevo - Kotor - Bar - Podgorica - Ohrid - (possible Vlora and southern Albania) - Beograd - Bucharest - Danube Delta - Brasov - Budapest - Krakow
First thing I wanted to ask was, is this too much for a month? when we started to make a day by day plan we were already on our 12th day in Dubrovnik!
The time of year will be August, will Croatia be tourist hell at this time? Are the Plitvice Lakes a must-see? a lot of our croatia route seems to be with the sole purpose of going here (the curse of the lonely planet photos pages).If we only have a couple of days, is it worth it to attempt some island hoping around Hvar and Korcula?
Has anyone been to southern Albania, and is it worth the apparent logistical nightmare?
if we go into the heart of Romania, is it difficult to go west to budapest or should we head back to Bucharest first?
I know thats a lot to ask for a first time poster, but thank you in Advance for any help you can give!!!
Hi ...
I think it is not too much for a month ... just start with you plan and then decide during your tour if you want to visit all places or not. Sometimes you get tired of all the travelling and then it is maybe nice to have a 5 days stop on some islands. And just to relax in one hostel/camp site and not to move around every day.
About Romania ... I only can tell you that you have as well bus connections if you can't reach a place by train. And it was horrible cheap using them - but as well adventurous. Sometimes I didn't had a good feeling in the buses concerning the roads and my backpack ... but ... I also met a lot of nice and friendly persons there. As in some corners of the country, it is very poor. But that's Europe - and in general: Romania is definitely interesting to visit !!! :)
Peter :)
Ok, my comments
Dont spend too long in Bar or Podgorica, try to get to Skopje instead. (And possibly Pristina, more on that later...) , and def go to Mostar! Albania is a bit of a nightmare, as you have to get a bus to the border, cross the border then get another bus, but its perfectly doable. Just be prepared for it to take a while.
If you decide to go to Kosovo be aware that the Serbians may not let you back in if they can tell from your passport that youve been there.
Other than that, have an awesome time, Ljubljana, Bled, and Sarajevo are particualar favourites of mine.
thanks both of you for the replies,
we're both quite seasoned travellers - you dont spend 7 months in south america without getting used to dodgy buses and long waits - so its all still a possibility! SiDUDe, iv read a lot of your posts talking about Bulgaria as being beautiful, can you recomend anywhere in particular? we're not really city fans, so off the beaten path or the beach is what we're after.
I had wondered about Bar, would you still recomend Kotor?
thanks again
Nadin and Angus
EDIT: just seen your replies to my post in the bulgaria forum :P
Yeah, Kotor is awesome. tbh anywhere along that stretch of coast is amazing, Bar is just a bit bigger and more industrial. As for Bulgaria, I can recommend VT (as I always do) but if I had the time I would try getting a bus up the black sea coast and stopping off somewhere small and totally awesome. Rousse might be worth a look to, as is Rila.
I cant remember who it was - but I had a PM conversation with a really nice Bulgarian guy about what to see sometime last year - they have been delete from my inbox though :( Are you still out there?