

Posted 15 years ago

Hello, I was planning on taking the InterRail from Malaga to Amsterdam central station. I have booked hotels from the 15th to the 20th and didn't think about the time it would take to get there. We cannot depart earlier than the 14th and was wondering if it was possible to get there in a day. If so, what would be the fastest route to get there? How many stops would there be and for how long do the trains stop? This is the first time I use the InterRail so if there are any tips you could share I would really appreciate it.
Thank you.

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replied 15 years ago

You have to expect at least 23 hours for the whole trip, depending on how much money you want to spend on supplements.

This would be the fastest connection:

Malaga 1500 - 1740 Madrid :arr: 10€ supplement
Madrid 1900 - 0827 Paris :arr: 46€ supplement for a reclining seat, couchettes and berths are more expensive
Paris 0925 - 1047 Bruxelles :arr: 26€ supplement
Bruxelles 1118 - Amsterdam 1406 :arr: free train

Slighter slower but cheaper:

Malaga 1200 - 1440 Madrid :arr: 10€ supplement
Madrid 1610 - 2203 Hendaye :arr: 10€ supplement
Hendaye 2224 - 0710 Paris :arr: 2€ supplement for a reclining sear, couchettes and berths are more expensive
Paris 0825 - 1236 Amsterdam :arr: 33€ supplement

Even cheaper without Thalys Paris - Amsterdam:

Paris 0858 - 1000 Lille :arr: 3/10€ supplement
Lille 1008 - 1154 Antwerpen :arr: free train
Antwerpen 1200 - 1406 Amsterdam :arr: free train

For detailed info on reservations and supplements:

Searching train schedules online:

The cheapest IR pass would be a 5 in 10 global pass for 159€; however you'd still have to pay the above mentioned supplements.

If you only want to do this single trip it might come cheaper for you if you'd search for special offers on the websites of the relevant train companies. :|

Hope that helps for now.

Flo 8)