

Posted 14 years ago

I've been reading some of the posts and it seems like in some of the bigger cities it's a good idea to book your hostel/hotel before you get to the city. is there good internet access all over Europe or would i be better off booking at home before i set off? i'd prefer to keep my trip flexible if possible but don't want to be sleeping on a park bench either. thanks, hope you can help :)

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replied 14 years ago

hi ...
I just came back from a 3 week stay in Scandinavia ... as I was collecting information and hoping from city to city, it was sometimes hard to find a bed when just arriving in the evening. This was the case in Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo ... so the three big cities of Scandinavia (ok - Copenhagen of course).
So I recommend at least for the big cities to bock some days in advance if you want a good bed - if you just need a bed to stay I am sure you also find one spontaneously.
Most hostels have free internet access, so just book the next hostel there - a lot of people do it this way and you can as well exchange your experiences. :)
And you will find as well a lot of internet cafes or public internet terminals - it should be no problem.
Peter :)