Posted 15 years ago
I'm in the middle of my inter rail trip and am LOVINNGGGGGG it :) the weather's been awesomeeee. Big thanks to everyone who uses this site for clearing my doubts and everything. especially Peter
I'm in berlin right now and will be going to venice soon. I want to go to verona early morning from venice but the regional trains run rarely. so i was thinking of taking a high speed one but the supplements are quite expensive. eurostar italia is the most expensive i think. But for cisalpino it says 5 to 15 euro depending on distance.. can anyone tell me how much it would cost me to go to verona from venice.
also can you please email me the answer to yatinsardana(at)gmail.com ( i can't find the (at) symbol )
this is because i've found that i can't view my posts from other computers for some reason.
thank you!
perfect to hear that you love your tour ... !! :)
so first for the [b]@[/b] ... if you use a German keybord you have to press the key [b]ALTGR[/b] at the right of the SPACE key and then the char [b]Q[/b] ... there it is your @ ;)
now for the Cisalpino (CIS):
I suppose it will be EUR 5.
as a normal train ticket for the Cisalpino or the other super fast trains with supplements is for 2nd class EUR 15, fro 1st EUR 22.
if you use a regional train, it is even only EUR 6 in 2nd class for a normal ticket. think about it if you pay these EUR 6 and save one of your travel days.
I hope this will help you. have a good time traveling... Peter :)
oh first of all.. thanks about this @. i spent 10 minutes trying to figure it out. i saw the sign under Q, but just couldnt figure how to use it. so i ended copying and pasting :)
Thanks peter for the info.. I suppose it makes sense saving a travel day and using it to see some other beautiful cities! :)