

Posted 15 years ago

Hello fellow travellers,

I plan on traveling with 3 friends for approximately a month, starting end of may/ early june. My friends are flying from Boston to Dublin, and then flying from dublin to London, and then taking the chunnel from London to Paris. My plan is to fly to Paris and meet them there, where we will then travel together along this route: paris, ghent(belgium), amsterdam, berlin, prague, munich, and finaly munich to barcelona with possible stop in venice or along coast of france. We would be traveling by eurail pass (hoping to get away with a 10 days in 2 months pass):

After staring at a map for a while, I proposed that they instead fly from London to barcelona, which I think will be the same or cheaper than taking the chunnel to paris? Then from barcelona take a night train to paris and follow the same route but end in munich and fly out from there. This route will avoid the long train ride from munich to barcelona.

Can anyone tell me which route they think is better? Does anyone know the rough cost comparison of taking a train from barcelona to paris, or munich to barcelona? Im a little confused on how much money a night train costs, if you already have a eurail pass - do you have to pay extra for a reservation for instance? Im afraid that if we take a lot of night trains, the additional costs will add up.



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replied 15 years ago

i have no idea about the eurail pass but all the info on the night train for the interrail (for europeans) that you talk about (barcelona/paris) is on this site. From Munich to barcelona wouldnt you go through paris anyway? so you would use the same night train, and for interrail there is a no suppliment on the ice munich - stuttgart and then a small suppliment on the tgv to paris, so they end up costing about the same. Remember taking a night train saves on the cost of a hostel, so it isnt really that expensive. Also the chunnel (I assume you mean eurostar and not the vehicle service) is very expensive on the interrail ticket.

Sorry I cant be of more help, i can only assume things are similar for eurail



replied 15 years ago

from barcelona to paris you have 2 posibilities:
the most expensive - elipsos train hotel(for IR(so I think for ER too) suplement started from ~70euro)
the cheapest - regional train bcn-cerbere(france)(without suplement) and next nigth train to paris(comfortable seat may cost ~2euro or more). so summary it costs ~2 euro(or more) and takes only about 3 hours more than elipsos train.

train bcn-cerbere arrive ~5pm and in paris night train is ~7am

next you can go directly to munich(from paris) by CNL(citynigthline) train(from rail station est(gare est)). couchette in 6person compartment costs 20euro(seat costs 10).
arrive ~7pm and in munich is ~8am(it's a long way so can be delay)