Posted 18 years ago
i live in france and am planning to go to italy, greece, croatia czech republic and hongria.
but i'd like to know something : how can i make phone calls to book hostels,etc... for cheap.
because i guess it must be very expansive if i make phone calls from my cell phone in a foreign country, so i wonder if i can find some prepayed phone card, and do any people here know some cheap cards which i can get a lot of minutes of phone call with? (once again i don't know wether everyone will understand me, i can explain more if you don't...let me know...)
thanks a lot to everyone who will answer me...
Hi Nono ...
I always used coins and normal public thelephones ... I never bought a prepaied cell phone card ... because I did not need it too much ...
but anyway ... I think it would be realy interessting if someone knows something about prepaied phone cards !! :)
Personnally, I used my mobile phone to make phone call for youth hostels when I was in the same city.. I still have problems with europeans payphone :P . When I was in Greece, I got a prepaid phonecard to call home, in Canada. It cost me 5 euros for 100minutes. Worth it!! It was really easy to use, and was valid for 3 months in Greece. You also have the possibility to call for cheap from the internet cafés or other phone places. They always put the prices in the windows, so just get a look for the cheapest one!
For those of you who have Orange mobile phones, I know that in France you can buy a special pre-paid card called Orange découverte (maybe with an s at the end) that costs 5 euros and allows you to call ten minutes abroad and receive calls from abroad (ten minutes also) at the price of a normal (national) call. Its not much and you can only buy one card per mobile phone to use it on but its a start and it can be usefull in case of an emergency...
When I went to Spain last year I got a pre-paid phonecard and it was real good.. You can phone from any public phone, all you have to do is dial the numbers that come on the card and talk. It lasted very long, for like 15€ you could talk a lot.
But I advise you to buy one of those cards in your national phone operator or something - as I did that time.
Because this year I bought one of those cards in a magazine store and it didn't work... So buy it somewhere certificate.