

Posted 2 years ago

best way to travel from copenhagen to berlin. would a night train be better? i would need a sleeper car for 4 adults.
please help me.
i would also like to go from berlin to amsterdam. please advise on best routes.
i would be traveling nov 22 for a night train to berlin and nov 23 for a day train.
thank you so much

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replied 2 years ago

best way from Copenhagen to Berlin may well be by bus! The day rail journey is via Hamburg, at least in November it won't be as hard to get seats on as in summer but it's miles off course compared to the old ferry route. And you have to change trains in Hamburg. The night train option is very limited and you also go via Hamburg. A new regular service operated by Swedish state railways starts in September and has been on sale for a while, but they seem to have not got their sleeping cars yet and they have never been available to reserve. But for 4 adults you would need 2x 2 berth sleeping compartments and it would make more sense to go cheaper and book 1x 4 berth couchette compartment - these are available to reserve. You would get 4 berths with bedding but no other facilities, washroom is down the corridor. It picks up at Copenhagen Airport not city centre at about midnight and arrives Hamburg around 06:30, you would need to book a German train from Hamburg. Be very careful booking this because the departure from the airport is a few minutes after midnight and therefore after the date changes. There is also a private Swedish train that runs a very erratic timetable in winter, November 22nd is not listed although 23rd is (which is odd because it has no balanced working in the other direction). That also does not pick up in central Copenhagen, you need to be at Høje Taastrup for about 23:00 and it arrives Berlin at about 09:00.
But have you actually checked the official railway websites because Berlin-Amsterdam isn't complicated enough to ask questions about, direct fast trains run every few hours.



replied 1 year ago


Copenhagen to Berlin:
Possible to travel by day train with change in Hamburg. Tickets cost about 45 EUR. Check
Night train by Snälltåget. It is this train:
Or SJ (Swedish railways) here:

Berlin to Amsterdam is by direct day train which runs every two hours. Tickets on from 37 EUR.

I would not use the bus - definitely not that comfortable like in a train where you can either sleep, or stand up, walk around, see the nature and not only streets...!

If you have further questions, please just ask.
Peter :)