Posted 16 years ago
Hi there, I'm heading off on a tour of Europe in a few days and one of our stops is Venice, where we will be staying for three nights. I've been to the venice tourist website, where they off the veniceCard, which covers transport in the city as well as discounts on museum entry etc. However, they also mention a rolling venice card, which can only be purchased in Venice, but offers a massive discount on transport cards etc.
My question is, has anyone had experience of these cards? What exactly do they offer? Would it be cheaper to wait till I get to Venice, get a rolling venice card and then use that to get a discounted travel card or veniceCard? I'm getting very confused.
rolling venice card:
hej ...
if you want the card, buy it online, you will save some money.
you can buy the card for only transport or transport + culture (so you also can get into some museums. if you want to have a bit of comfort and stay at least 3 days in Venice, buy it. if you prefer to walk and don't want to visit too much museums, then don't buy it ! :)
I personally prefer to walk as you can reach a lot in Venice! :)
have fun, Peter