

Posted 6 years ago

Hello and Thank You for your wonderful website!
I am becoming very confused at trying to figure out all of the different ways to get from the Madrid airport to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in April. I ran one search that tells me there is a train from Bayonne to SJPdP, on SNCF for 10 euros, but I am having trouble getting from Madrid to Bayonne. By bus I have found the way, but it takes 5 buses and over 12 hours to get from Madrid to SJPdP, yet I cannot look ahead to April to find their hours or even of they will offer these routes at that time. I would also be willing to start from Barcelona, if that makes any difference.

Knowing that you have a lot more experience than I do, I am hoping that you can give me some pointers, or the best routes that you know of.
Thank you!

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replied 6 years ago

Hi Karen!

Best way is to buy your tickets (and look for schedules too) in two (or even three) steps.

Best route is Madrid - Irun - Hendaye - Bayonne - Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. Irun/Hendaye is the "double" border station between Spain and France. There are no trains running "through" but some Spanish trains end on the French side in Hendaye while some French trains end on the Spanish side in Irun. But it is really just a handful at the moment (also due to construction works).

1) Buy a ticket from Madrid to Irun. You can do so quite easily at [ux][/ux]

2) From Irun station you can:
a) easily walk across the border to Hendaye. You start here [u][/u] and walk to the north here [u][/u]
b) or take a "Euskotren" service from Irun "Colon" station (located just NE of Irun "RENFE" station [u][/u] ) to Hendaye. Schedule: [ux][/ux] . Ticket is EUR 1,70.

3) From Hendaye you can go to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port via Bayonne; schedules and tickets on [ux][/ux] or [ux][/ux]
