

Posted 7 years ago


I\'m planning to travel from Moscow to Berlin in October 2017 and have some questions:

1. Does anybody have recent information on the visa issue in Belarus? I read that there should be no problems when travelling with the transeuropean night train but can anyone confirm this?

2. Is there a reason to prefer the Wednesday train (EN23J/452, going to Paris) over the Saturday/Sunday train (EN13M/440)? Taken that they cost the same and travel times are similar.

3. Tickets can be bought 60 days in advance, right?

Thank you in advance!

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replied 7 years ago

Hi Jonas and welcome to!

1) Visa issue has been solved; train travel through Belarus is possible for all passengers in possession of the correct visa (eg a transit visa for Belarus plus visas for Russia/EU/Schengen as needed): [ux][/ux]

2) The Paris train consists of different rolling stock (classic sleeping cars manufactured by Siemens, bogie change at Brest) while the Berlin train consists of Talgo rollin stock with automatic gauge change at Brest.
Personally I only know the Siemens coaches which are very comfortable and among the best sleeping cars in Europe. Other than the Talgo coaches they also have a public shower at the end of each carriage.
The Talgo stock definitely is quite comfortable as well; I have used Talgo night trains several times on the way to Portugal and in Spain. In the end, it is up to you - do you need to shower on the trip? What timings suit you better?

3) Yes, up to 60 days in advance.

More info about the night trains between Europe and Russia: [ux][/ux]
Our trip from Paris to Moscow: [ux][/ux]
