

Posted 10 years ago

Hi all,

My girlfriend and I are going interraling for our first time in August 2014. We are looking to get a 10 in 21 day pass.

Our planned route is:

Amsterdam - Flight from Manchester to Amsterdam

Amsterdam --> Berlin

Berlin --> Prague

Prague --> Krakow (Night train)

Krakow --> Budapest (Night train)

Budapest --> Venice (Night train)

Venice --> Paris (Night train)

Paris --> Manchester (By plane)

We have a total of 24 days to make the trip and are unsure on the duration of stay in each city. Any advice or critic of the proposed route would be appreciated, we have attempted to see as much as possible by looping Europe whilst staying to the cheaper cities. My main concern is that we may be attempting to see too many countries within 3 weeks, and given our some what limited budget.

Our estimated budget is currently around £1000 (including all costs, rail pass, flights etc) however I fear this may need to increase, can anyone suggest a realistic budget for the trip? We are planning to stay in cheap hotels/B&Bs, and will obviously be sharing room costs between us, and to be careful with food budget etc. The trip calculator on this site gave an estimate of 650 Euros for our trip.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, the information on this site is proving extremely useful so thanks to everyone that contributes on it :D

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replied 10 years ago


- There is no Budapest - Venezia night train
- The Venice - Paris night train is operated by Thello who do not accept InterRail tickets

This means you would have to rearrange your my opinion you could still fit in other places, so you could travel for instance like that: Budapest - Wien - night train to Venezia ... Venezia - Bernina route in Switzerland [u][/u] - Paris

In my experience, accomodation is the biggest part of costs, so search for accomodation in each place beforehand to get an idea of prices (do you want to stay in dorms or privates?).
You can also save quite a bit if you dont go to restaurants but cook in the hostel kitchen...
650€ would equal about 30€ each day which is possible on average since Berlin, Praha, Krakow, Budapest are fairly cheap.

Flo 8)



replied 10 years ago

Hi Flo,

thanks for the reply, when I checked the transfers from Budapest to Venice there does seem to be a night train connection that you can get that was from 17:10 to 8:30, I was under the impression that this would act as a night train to get us from Budapest to Venice, allowing us to use our inter-rail pass for the journey. Would this not work?

Thanks :)



replied 10 years ago

Yeah, of course you can use the night train from Vienna to Venice, going to Vienna from Budapest with a connecting train. But these are separate trains - the direct Budapest - Venice night train has been withdrawn a few years ago but there is still a lot of old information on the internet so I have to write that there is no Budapest - Venice night train. ;)